go-chaos is a terminal app, so you will need to have basic knowledge on Linux or BSD.

   go-chaos - A terminal based app that injects chaos into your cloud infrastructure

   go-chaos command [command options]

   destroy   Execute destroy with custom file name
   plan      Execute a dry run with custom file name
   validate  Validate chaos file
   target    Execute chaos on a single target
   help, h   Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Basic commands are:

  • validate: reads a file and checks if the file is readable. Finds issues such as missing values for parameters.
go-chaos validate myExperiment.hcl 
  • plan reads a file and outputs the resources where the chaos operation may take place, this command doesn’t actually perform any operation.
go-chaos plan myExperiment.hcl
  • destroy: reads a file, validates it and starts to executing chaos job operations, and a script if it is present.

    The actions behind this command are irreversible, please use with caution

go-chaos destroy myExperiment.hcl 
  • target: reads a file and executes a target job inside this file, eg,

    The actions behind this command are irreversible, please use with caution

 go-chaos target myExperiment.hcl aws.ec2.app1:prod