
Notifications structure


go-chaos can notify a list of emails about the changes ocurred.

notifications "gmail" {
    from = ""
    to = ["", "", ""]
    body = "Please let's be attentive on any incident after the chaos experiment located in"

Note: In order to use a gmail notification, go-chaos requires an environment variable called: GMAIL_APP_TOKEN, for how to setup an App Password in a gmail account, please take a look at the official google documentation. You can setup as many gmail notifications in the same go-chaos experiment.


go-chaos can notify a list of slack channels about the changes ocurred.

notifications "slack" {
    to   = ["C04N5HS91MZ", "C04NJH791MU"]
    body = "chaos experiment running, to check dev teams and get latency in qa"

Note: In order to use the slack notification, go-chaos requires an environment variable called: SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN, please refer to the official slack documentation on how to create an Slack App and the creation of a Slack App Token.

Note: Requires channelIDs instead of slack channel names, this will change in the near future.